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Channelling | Meditation | Courses


Spirituelle - Eleanor


If you’ve come to this website, it is likely that you are a seeker, looking for enlightenment or guidance.  Welcome to Spirituelle, where you can gain an insight into channelling and find out more about readings and personalised meditations.

Spirituelle was created by Eleanor O’Connor to pass on her spiritual understanding to others on the path.  Take a moment to explore the areas you feel drawn to and if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Eleanor at

Eleanor O'Connor

Eleanor O’Connor is a spiritual teacher and practitioner. She has developed her skills over 25
years, gaining qualifications and experience in meditation, teaching how to verbally channel, Reiki,
and offering personal readings.

“I believe that the spiritual skills I have acquired over the years enable me to live a fulfilled and
enriched life. I have gained so much from developing spiritual practices and I want to pass that
learning on to others so they can find the same joy in following their path that I have in following
With so many different teachings and paths to spiritual understanding available today, it may be
hard to choose. If you are interested to learn more about how I may be able to help you on your
journey, then please explore my website further and feel free to contact me with any queries.”


You have a spirit guide.

Learn how to connect with your highest spirit guide and verbally channel.

As someone who has been aware of my guide for the whole of my life and has verbally channelled
since the late 1990s, I know how valuable this connection is. I feel privileged to be able to pass this
skill on to others through this course.

meditation mandala with Spirituelle


During times of uncertainty, it is so important to manage your energy and stay clear and in
the light as much as you can.  Meditation is one of the best ways to do this. 

Get your own, personalised recorded meditation that you can use whenever you need it to stay strong and grounded. 

Also available is a 20 minute free meditation download to Create your Bubble of Light
which offers you ‘me time’ to bring in light, relax and strengthen your energy. Do let me know what
you think of it and if it has helped you.


Are you confused about your path or your spiritual direction?

I channel my guide Shaman for personal readings.
You will talk directly to Shaman so this is a very interactive experience. It is especially useful if you
are looking for some guidance on life, spiritual matters or are seeking reassurance when life is

For more information, please contact Eleanor at