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Looking back and looking forward

12th December 2022

I do wish I could write this blog without mentioning treatment but it’s still part of my life! I finished the Phesgo (Herceptin) injections at the start of November which was a great milestone and means my hair might actually grow properly again!!! Yipee.

However, my oncologist wants me to take tablets for a year, starting in January. The “icing on the cake” in terms of keeping this type of cancer at bay. There are side effects (aren’t there always) but we will take it slowly and see how I get on. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s minimal.


Meanwhile, on the spiritual side – a big development! I ran my first Opening to Channel course online last weekend. I didn’t think this it could be done as well as face to face and was resisting but a wise spiritual friend had pointed out recently that my students are well able to deal with the energies remotely and so am I. Add to that a potential student who couldn’t attend a face to face course this month due to the train strikes but who was super keen and willing to be a one to one online guinea pig, and I couldn’t ignore the message from the Universe any more.

My student was wonderful. Very ready to channel and very supportive. It was a truly magical experience and proved it can be done. An easier and cheaper proposition for students – they can learn to channel from the comfort of their own homes and don’t have to pay for accommodation when travelling here from afar. Thank you Universe for a special new gift. I look forward to working this way in the future and already have another student ready to take the online course next week.

I am also thinking about a course to develop channelling skills further for my students and have ideas about what form that will take, remembering what Lita used to do. It will be a one day course but will need to be face to face so I’ll find a venue here.

Have a good Christmas readers and I wish you love and light for 2023. Keep positive, don’t give into fear or the negative energies that are swirling around at the moment. Stay in your heart centre and connected to your soul xx