1st October 2021
Hello dear readers. This might be a long moan, for which I apologise in advance! I had high hopes of the new type of chemo. I was halfway through the treatment and changing to “T”. I’d heard it was less prone to making one feel nauseous and I felt I had prepared myself to cope with it well. How wrong can one be! It hit me like a sledgehammer. Muscle spasms in my legs and torso which did not cease for four days and nights. That kept me awake at night so I was exhausted as well as feeling totally toxic. The toxic level made me feel shivery.
To add to my woes, I had managed to break part of a molar on the day of the chemo, eating a chocolate ginger biscuit. Let that be a lesson to me. The tooth edge was now sharp and making my tongue sore which meant as time progressed that I couldn’t chew or swallow without pain. I bought some dental wax used by braces wearers and managed to cover it with that but it was still a major problem.
After having detox baths every morning and evening and foot patches at night to draw out those toxins, i slowly started to feel a bit better. Having discussed the problems with my nurse, the oncologist has agreed that I will have a 20% reduction in the chemo dose next time round. That will enable me to face the next session!
Once the spasms and shivers eased (also helped by treatments from my lovely reflexologist who visits me at home), I felt able to face seeing the dentist. My thanks to the lovely receptionist who gave me an appointment the same day and the dentist – the tooth has a temporary filling which means I can chew again! Thank the lord. My tongue is healing.
When I was given the chemo, the nurse pointed out that my last blood test showed my haemoglobin levels are low. This affects your breathing and ability to just move around without puffing like a train. I took the dog for a short walk at a snail’s pace and spent 20 minutes on the sofa afterwards trying to recover! Since then I haven’t been able to move around the house without huffing. The nurse had mentioned a blood transfusion which initially I rejected but as time progressed and I realised what an effort simple tasks were proving to be, I decided this needed to be done so I’ve had a blood test to cross match and the transfusion will be next Tuesday. Apparently, the improvement is pretty much instantaneous. Hurrah and my thanks to all those people who give blood. I am so grateful. I have donated over the years but since having cancer I can no longer do this myself.
Add to all this the fact that my digestive system is really not very happy after being messed around with and there is one last problem to solve. Probiotics, dry toast, rice and eating little and often will hopefully sort that out.
I do, however, despite all this feel optimistic today and ready to share my sad tale, hence this update. I have amazing family and friends, all sending positive thoughts, healing energy and support. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. One day at a time.
One additional treatment I have to have now is something called Phesgo. This is a combination hormone drug of Herceptin and Pertuzamab (no idea if spelling is right!) because my cancer is HER positive. This was initially given the day after the chemo so they could see if I had any problems but will be at the same time for the rest of the chemo. I then have a rest until after surgery and resume it for a year. This is given as an injection in the thigh which sounds horrible but isn’t that bad as long as the nurse goes slowly and it only lasts about 7 minutes. That’s bearable. It’s every 21 days.
Meanwhile, on the surgical front, I have to have a mammogram and possible biopsy next week. I’ll be bouncing around by then!
I am so lucky to be able to receive all this treatment. I continue to draw down the light to keep me supported. I dowse and I connect with my guide when I’m up to it.
Love and light to everyone reading this. I hope my next blog post will be a lot more positive!!!